Solar Expansion, the Divine Mother energy and Multi-Dimensional Experience

Posted by Celia Fenn on 10 February 2015

Beloved Family of Light, as you prepare for the powerful incoming energies of the Equinox and Eclipse in March of 2015, you are currently feeling the effects of dynamic activity and expansion in the Sun and the Solar System. The Sun/Solaris is experiencing an “upgrade” in its Light Body Field, to bring it into harmonic resonance with the new Galactic/Cosmic Light Codes transmitted from the Great Central Sun at the center of the Galaxy. This process if being guided by the Solar Council of Solaris and the Galactic Council of the Golden Rose Galaxy (Milky Way).

As these necessary Solar adjustments are made in the Light Body of Solaris, it will, of course, also be felt as similar “upgrades” at the Solar level of your own Light Body.  This will initiate a recalibration of the frequencies in your Light Body and your Physical Body.

This is a powerful process that you will feel in the Pineal Gland and into the Nervous System, as well as in the Solar Plexus area.  For a short while you may experience tension, anxiety, depression, dizziness, interrupted sleep patterns and intense dreams.  You may also experience releasing old patterns of fear associated with holding and embodying more light as you reveal more of your Inner Divinity to the outside world. This will ease as the recalibration process if completed in preparation for the big shifts on the planet in March.

This process will then allow your Light Body and Physical Body to hold and transmit more of the Diamond Light that is being received from the Galactic Center into the Galaxy and via Solaris to the Earth.  It will allow you to become of the Diamond Light Crystalline Beings who are emerging on the Earth in the New Reality.

The Twin Flame and the Embodiment of the Divine Feminine or Great Mother

The Activation of the Diamond Codes on the Earth has reached the stage where the Twin Flame or Sacred Heart Union is being fully achieved.  This is an internal union where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine come together in Sacred Union to create the New Reality.

At this particular time, it is the Great Mother whose energy is being felt most strongly.  As Ma’at, the Keeper of Cosmic Balance, she is awakening in many people.  This is an intense energy that expresses itself often as Void, as emptiness or nothingness, prior to Manifestation.  For many, having to embody the Void is a frightening experience, especially in a society that values activity and production.

To embody the Divine Feminine is to embody also this nothingness and to be at peace with it as a part of the cycles of existence. Do not fear that you are “blocked” or “stuck”, or that you are a failure.  It is simply the time when you are Being the Void in order to facilitate the birth of something new into the Light.

Being able to hold this Void in balance with Creation and Manifestation is the work of the Great Cosmic Mother.  To hold that energy within yourself is to embody the Great Cosmic Mother.

As the Embodiment of the Divine Feminine, you are facilitating the Balance of all life on the Earth.  You become the Quan Yin also, the conduit for Love and Compassion, and the bridge for the energy that loves and nurtures all living beings.

Beloved Family of Light, as you embody this Divine Feminine energy, you help to sustain, love and rebirth the Earth.  This is the ultimate secret of the Grail Codes Mystery, the renewal of life and love in a New Age through the Alchemical process of inner Sacred Union.  It is a deep inner union of all aspects of Self, transmuting the old energies into the New Diamond Crystalline Light.

As you embody the Great Mother, you become the Grail, or the Chalice for the Diamond Light.  It flows from you and into the creation of a New Earth and a New Reality.  At the right time, the Divine Masculine will step forth to manifest this New Reality into Material Form.

The Multi-Dimensional Reality Process and “Time Phase Dissonance”

At the same time that you are working with these shifts in Light Energy, you are also becoming familiar with your abilities as Multi-dimensional Masters of Light.  This is requiring you to be highly skilled in shifting dimensions, as you also shift Timelines and Time Phases.  This gives rise to an effect that we will call “Time Phase Dissonance”.

This “dissonance” occurs when your Light Body has to rapidly switch between different timelines and time rhythms.

Your Earth is now situated in the 5th Dimension of Light.  Most of Earth’s inhabitants have chosen, for now, to remain in the illusion of the 3rd Dimension, which includes duality, conflict, and participation in emotional “dramas” of abuse and victimization.  In the 5th Dimension of Light, the perception of Unity and interconnection becomes more important, as does creating a peaceful and sustainable society.  At the 6th Dimension of Light, Magic and Imagination are the primary modes of perception, with Mystery and Miracles taking center stage, and at the 7th Dimension of Light you enter into Mastery of the Light Shift Dimensional Soul Technology.

Right now, Beloved Ones, you are learning how to master this practice.  On any given day, you might shift from 3D to 4D (Time Spirals) to 5D and 6D several times.  At each shift, your Body and Light Body changes Light Frequency and Rhythm.

3D is a very slow frequency, but it manifests as high activity and stress on the physical level. 5 D is slower and 6D even slower in terms of perception, as you approach a state of “no time” and NOW that is the essence of Higher Forms of Consciousness.

The shift between high activity and absolute stillness can create a sense of dissonance and anxiety.  Many people feel anxious, blocked, looking for a reason why “nothing is happening” , when in fact they are experiencing the deep peace of the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness.

Many of you have chosen, on the Soul Level, to continue to have adventures in 3D, while also living and creating in the higher dimensions.  This is the essence of Multi-dimensionality.  It will take a little time for your Body and Mind to become accustomed to these Time Phase switches between levels of Perception and Frequency.

We wish you much Joy in your Journey on Earth!

Listen to the Internet Radio Broadcast with Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael that covers what it means to be Multi-Dimensional. Broadcast January 2015.