Two Suns and a Super Moon in Taurus/Orion : The 11/11/8 Star Gate and Sacred Union Creative Frequencies
22 October 2015So it has been a powerful time and the power energies just keep coming. Usually this can be explained in…Sacred Union : The Balance Returns after the Grounding of the Sacred Masculine Luminosity
14 October 2015Beloved Family of Light, it has been a tumultuous time this last month as Waves Of Luminous Light have washed…Recording of the 10/10 Activation with the Crystal Skulls : Celia Fenn and Guest Anastasia Hayes Piper
3 October 2015 You are invited to join us for a free Online Webinar Activation with the Crystal Skulls on the 10/10....the…September Energies with Celia Fenn: Video Discussion
8 September 2015Video Discussion with Celia Fenn. Please click on link to go to You Tube Video. Tsunami of Luminous Light and the Return of the Divine Masculine Frequency : September 2015
5 September 2015Beloved Family of Light, so you have entered now into the month of September, and you are riding the wave…From “Calling the Animals” to the Lion’s Gate: A Journey in Raising Consciousness
6 August 2015In this period of 2015 we are most certainly in a Wave of powerful transformational energy. Our lives and our…When Two Suns Rise : Sirius and the Planetary New Year
19 July 2015The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on…Birthing the New Earth Soul : Changes and New Beginnings in July 2015
6 July 2015Beloved Family of Light, July promises to be a month filled with changes, transitions and new beginnings. You will feel…Solstice Meditation and Activation June 2015
15 June 2015Solstice 2015 Activation with Archangel Michael and the Sacred Circle Animal Spirits Activating the Diamond Heart and Calling Back the…